Isfet Apepi

The Desert Rose


Full Name: Isfet Apepi
Age: 121
Race: Viera, Veena
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9
Status: Married to Saryn
Daughters: Petra and Hedetet
Orientation: Pan
Hair Colour: Pink or whatever suits her for the day.
Eye Colour: Blood Red
From: Dalmascan Desert
Occupation: Airship Captain, Magitek Engineer Ex-Pirate, Ex-Assassin
Home World: Mateus


Favor for a Favor:
Need something made? Information gathered? Ask her for it and she will have a favor in turn. (Ask for your own or check out the Quest Board)
Captain: She captains the ship The Serpent's Endeavor where she supplies transport of supplies and people for a price.Dalmascan Rebel: She fought to free Dalmasca from Garlemald alongside many others.Boom Bunny: Her machines and devices are as varied as her obsession with things that go boom.UncommonRumta-Zaraam: Spear in the dark. She hunts Garlean war criminals especially those involved with the Sect of Germonique first and foremost.Scorpio's Venom: That gem in her forehead sure is suspicious and amplifying aether.RareThe Sand Adder: Before its fall, there was a clockwork serpent in the depths of Rabanastre. Give a name or job and take a token. It would be done then the serpent with return for payment. Are you old enough to have a token she has not collected?
